This is a photo of a number of 50mm roof zips with neoprene seals and Monument coloured HEX heads.

Roof Screws and Fixings - Roofing Supplies Online

Roof Fixing Supplies: Ensuring the Longevity of Your Roof

You've spent time selecting the perfect roofing material to protect and enhance the aesthetic of your home. Yet, the longevity and performance of that roof are just as dependent on the quality of the roofing screws and fixings you choose. In this article, I'll introduce you to a selection of top-quality roof fixing supplies designed to secure your roof and stand the test of time.


Understanding Roof Fixings: The Basics

The purpose of roof screws and fixings is straightforward – to secure your roofing material to the structure. But not all fixings are created equal. Different roof types require specific screws for optimal performance, and that's where we come in. Let's delve into the different types of roofing screws we offer.


Secure Metal Roofs with 16mm 5/16th HEX Metal Cut Screws with Neoprene Seals

These screws are perfect for securing metal sheets to metal purlins. They offer excellent pull-out strength and feature neoprene seals to prevent water ingress. They're an essential component of any metal roof installation. Explore our 16mm 5/16th HEX Metal Cut Screws


Dependable Roof Fixing Supplies: 25mm Timber 5/16th HEX Screws with Neoprene Seals

These screws are designed specifically for timber applications. Their added length is ideal for deeper penetration, and they feature neoprene seals to prevent moisture ingress. Get a secure fit for your timber roofing materials. Check out our 25mm Timber 5/16th HEX Screws


The Strength of 39mm 5/16th HEX Metal Cut Screws with Neoprene Seals

When it comes to securing metal roofing materials, these screws offer an ideal balance of penetration and holding power. As with all our screws, the included neoprene seals offer excellent protection against leaks. Discover the strength of 39mm 5/16th HEX Metal Cut Screws


The Versatility of 50mm 5/16th HEX Metal Cut Screws with Neoprene Seals

Need a little more length? The 50mm variant of our metal cut screws are designed for just that. With increased length comes increased holding power, ideal for larger applications. Explore the versatility of our 50mm 5/16th HEX Metal Cut Screws


Delivering Quality with 50mm 5/16th HEX Zip Cut Screws with Neoprene Seals

These roofing screws offer a fine balance of strength and finesse. Their unique zip cut design makes them ideal for a range of applications, including metal and timber. Get quality with our 50mm 5/16th HEX Zip Cut Screws


Comprehensive Roof Fixing Supplies: 50mm Timber 5/16th HEX Screws with Neoprene Seals

A perfect match for your timber roofing applications, these screws provide dependable penetration and holding power. The neoprene seals prevent any potential water ingress. Browse our comprehensive range, including 50mm Timber 5/16th HEX Screws


Go Longer with 65mm 5/16th HEX Zip Cut Screws with Neoprene Seals

Need to go even longer? Our 65mm zip cut screws offer the highest levels of holding power and penetration, ensuring your roof materials stay secure even under challenging conditions. Explore the benefits of our 65mm 5/16th HEX Zip Cut Screws


Optimal Performance with 65mm 5/16th Timber HEX Screws with Neoprene Seals

These screws offer an excellent solution for heavier timber roofing materials. With deep penetration and outstanding hold, they ensure your roof stays put, come wind or high water. Experience the optimal performance of our 65mm 5/16th Timber HEX Screws


Aluminum Pop Rivets 3.2mm: A Necessity in Your Roof Fixing Supplies

Pop rivets provide a robust solution for joining thin pieces of metal and other materials. These aluminum rivets are resistant to rust and corrosion, ensuring your roof's integrity is not compromised. Get the essentials with our Aluminum Pop Rivets 3.2mm


Secure Your Polycarbonate Roofing with 14x50mm C/fix Screws

Our polycarbonate screws provide an optimal hold for polycarbonate roofing sheets, which require specialist fixings to accommodate thermal expansion. The 14x50mm size ensures a secure and lasting fit. Secure your roof with our Polycarbonate 14x50mm C/fix screws


Conclusion: Selecting the Right Roofing Screws and Fixings

The quality of your roofing materials matters, but so does the quality of your roof fixings. That's why I'm passionate about offering the best roofing screws and fixings to help you get the job done right.

Remember, choosing the right roofing screws is not just about performance on day one, but about ensuring your roof continues to protect your home for years to come. Browse our extensive range of roofing screws and fixings today, and give your roof the support it deserves. Your home is worth it.

Shop our complete range of roof fixing supplies now

I hope you find this guide helpful, and as always, don't hesitate to reach out with any questions about your roofing project. I'm here to help!

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